To Share About Knowledge Of "Yoga Poses For Beginners"



Not everyone can afford to spend time in the yoga studio. So many people choose to practice at home to stay healthy. Here are some tips for doing yoga at home for those who do not know how to start yoga at home for beginners.

how to start yoga at home for beginners

  • Practice time

Self-learning at home gives you a very flexible time. You can do it whenever you want. However, this is also because the time is too flexible to make you hesitate to start training. The common psychology is "let's go for 30 minutes and then practice" or "It's too hot to be late and practice", ... So even if it's at home, you should also specify a specific time to practice during the day. Just be careful not to exercise when you are too hungry, are full, new shower or at bedtime-how to start yoga at home for beginners-note.

  • Practice space

Yoga is not only good for physical but also mental. So the space to practice yoga should not be too narrow, cramped and have a lot of noise. Unlike gym or aerobics, yoga requires quiet and cool space. Space too narrow will cause you to get caught up in stretching exercises, stretching the arms of yoga, and also affect the spirit of exercise. It is a good idea to close the practice room so that you do not have to be disturbed during practice.

If your room is too small, you can arrange a bit more for a more suitable exercise space. Turning on relaxing music or burning aromatic oils while you are exercising also brings better mental effects.

  • Choose the right exercise

For those of you who have been doing yoga in the center, choosing exercises as well as notes when doing the exercises you already know. However, it is important to keep in mind the time and the number of times you perform the action. 

Some types of yoga are always set to odd numbers (eg 9 or 13). Also, when practicing at home you should be careful when practicing difficult moves that you have not learned. Since there is no helper, it is easy to get hurt.

For those who have not practiced yoga before and don’t know how to start yoga at home for beginners.You have to pay more attention when you plan to practice at home. Because of yoga is not only for the body but also for the mental. Be careful when choosing books or video tutorials. The first and the last will not be great if you take the time to read more about the spirituality of yoga, the history and the highlights of the type of yoga you choose to practice. Help the person feel fresh, healthy after several days (if you practice properly). So stop exercising immediately if you have a health problem after exercise.

Beside that, I’ll give you, five adivce – how to start with yoga at home for beginners:

First: try to keep your yoga habits at the same time early morning or late night each day and practice regularly.

Second: practice breathing properly, inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose or mouth, take deep breaths and sigh to increase the amount of oxygen and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide injected into the blood, muscles. When inhaled, the stomach must be up and exhale, then the stomach. As a result, you have more energy to exercise more aggressively and bring the most effective.

Third: You should understand your body, perform actions in the limits of your ability, be aware of what you are doing, and keep mental peace.

Fourth: yoga must be calculated by five or more, not the trend, exercise for fun or exercise at the moment. When you need to know how to manage depression, need slow, careful in each move.
By the way, if you have time, it’s better if you come to Yoga studio where you can get help or useful adivce from Masters. And the last one is always keep your smile. 

We wish you success on your Yoga journey !

SEE MORE: Yoga Poses For Obese Beginners

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